zaterdag 24 oktober 2015

En weer een superleuke reactie

Good news, Class_of_Master_Harry!
Your postcard NL-3149443 to Brick in United States of America has arrived! It reached its destination in 39 days after traveling 6,383 km!

Rachael wrote you a message:

“Pieter and Tim,
Thank you so much for the great postcard! And thank you very much for drawing a pig for me, I love it! I enjoyed learning about you both. I am not good at sports or games. But I also love to read and have sweets. My husband loves Legos and games. My hobbies are reading, singing, watching scary movies, and crafts. I am learning how to knit. I do love cooking. I enjoy trying new recipes and making my own changes. I make a great pasta sauce! I do not have any pigs yet but when we have a bigger house and yard we will get a mini pig! We have 2 cats. A boy named Kyo and a girl named Clawcat. We also have 2 rats named Bialystock and Bloom after the characters in one of our favorite musicals, The Producers. I hope you both have a wonderful school year and get lots of great postcards. Thank you for writing to me!
Do not reply to this email! To reply go to Brick's profile.

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